Waterleaf, known by various names such as Ceylon spinach, Florida spinach, Surinam Purslane, Cariru, and Efo Gbure in Yoruba, is a herbaceous perennial plant with succulent stems that can reach heights of 30–100 cm. It is commonly harvested from the wild for local consumption and is also cultivated in different parts of the tropics for its edible leaves.
The health benefits of waterleaf include:
High Dietary Fiber: Waterleaf provides bulk in the diet, which can help prevent obesity and excess body weight.
Improved Brain Health: A study by Ofusori et al. in 2008 found that waterleaf can enhance brain health by supporting the neurons of the cerebrum and improving cerebral functioning.
Weight Loss Management: Waterleaf’s water content can aid in weight loss management.
Antioxidant Activity: A crude waterleaf extract exhibits relatively strong antioxidant activity.
Additionally, waterleaf can be used as animal feed. 🌿🍃
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